Monday, June 17, 2019

Carol Dunitz Interviewed about "2020: The Musical" for Access Ann Arbor

I am featured on CTN’s Access Ann Arbor this month in a 30-minute interview about 2020: The Musical.  The interview can also be seen on YouTube at: 

2020: The Musical is now complete and ready for the road. There are twenty original songs about the issues we all care about. The songs with issues in parentheses where needed are:

All for One (tax reform)
Citizens United Gone (campaign finance reform)
Democrats Forever
Dump the Trump in 2020
Eh Boy (criminal justice reform)
Flying Blind (universal healthcare)
Hands Down Better (homophobia)
I Want to Play with You (lobbyist reform)
Isaac and Ishmael (middle east conflict)
Let’s Take Out the NRA (gun control)
My Body, My Choice (reproductive rights)
On Our Way (female president)
Republican Do Si Do
Simple Times Gone By (global warming)
Stack the Deck (gerrymandering, voter purging)
Sunday Bloody Sunday (racism)
The Border Wall Tango
The Public Wants (Term Limits)
This Life Shared in Poverty (minimum wage)
Happy Birthday Baby (novelty song)

I am currently putting the finishing touches on which will include music from all the songs and video as it comes available. I expect to start marketing next week.

This is a full-length musical with about an hour of music. It leans left, is provocative and interactive. Perfect for political fundraisers as well as theatrical venues. For more information, please email me at cdunitz at gmail dot com or visit the site. 

Friday, April 12, 2019

2020: The Musical Taking Shape

2020: THE MUSICAL is taking shape. The URL has been obtained and the logo for the show is currently being designed. The show will have an online presence within several weeks. Guess how many songs there are in 2020: The Musical? That’s right, twenty. Twenty songs with melodies that stay with you and lyrics that cut to the chase.

2020: THE MUSICAL not only deals with the issues but is also entertaining and fun. You many even discover a couple of songs that take aim at the current POTUS. There are many styles of music from marches to folk, New Orleans jazz to blues, musical theatre to rap.

The songs cover all the issues we care about including: global warming, reproductive rights, voting rights, LGBTQ rights, minimum wage, racism, gerrymandering, criminal justice reform, term limits for the Supreme Court, universal healthcare, legislation for lobbyists, tax code reform, a woman president, the Middle East conflict and much more.

2020: THE MUSICAL is interactive. There will be lots of opportunity for members of the audience to share thoughts, ideas and feelings about the issues.

2020: THE MUSICAL is an excellent vehicle for fundraisers. A sampler of songs as well as a short video on the show will be available mid-May. Please let us know if you would like to receive links to these materials.

Music, script and lyrics by Carol Dunitz, who also performs. 

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)
from 2020: The Musical Song

Monday, March 25, 2019

2020: The Musical

"2020: The Musical" can be booked for performances starting June 1. The new show has fifteen songs about issues the American people want action on including global warming, gun control, a woman president, the border wall, tax reform, minimum wage, and campaign finance reform. The songs have catchy melodies and the lyrics cut to the chase telling it like it is and how it needs to be. "2020; The Musical" is interactive and performed in concert. Written, composed and performed by Carol Dunitz. A great vehicle for fundraising.

Note: Unfortunately, the COVID pandemic precluded performances of 2020: The Musical.